Load Testing & Performance Guides

A collection of guides on load testing, performance testing, and performance optimization from the load test experts at LoadForge.



  • Apache

    Explore our Apache guides to master load testing, performance tuning, and optimization techniques for robust, high-performing web server environments.

  • CDN

    Explore our guides on Content Delivery Networks (CDNs) to enhance website performance, reduce latency, and improve user experience through optimized content distribution.

  • Caddy

    Learn how to optimize and perform load testing on web servers using Caddy to ensure smooth and efficient performance under various traffic loads.

  • Cloudflare

    Explore our guides on using Cloudflare to enhance website performance, security, and load testing capabilities.

  • Django

    Discover how to optimize and load test your Django applications for improved performance and reliability with our comprehensive guides.

  • Docker

    Explore our comprehensive guides on Docker to enhance your load and performance testing strategies using containerization.

  • FastAPI

    Learn how to optimize and load test FastAPI applications to ensure high performance and reliability under varying loads.

  • Fastly

    Explore our Fastly guides to master load testing, performance tuning, and optimization for websites and applications using Fastly's powerful edge cloud platform.

  • HAProxy

    Learn how to effectively use HAProxy for load balancing, performance testing, and optimizing web applications to ensure high availability and reliability.

  • Kubernetes

    Explore our comprehensive guides on Kubernetes to master load testing, performance tuning, and optimizing your container orchestration for peak efficiency.

  • Laravel

    Master load testing and performance optimization for your Laravel applications with our comprehensive guides, covering best practices, tools, and techniques.


    Explore our comprehensive guides on optimizing and load testing Microsoft SQL Server (MSSQL) to ensure peak database performance and reliability.

  • MongoDB

    Optimize your MongoDB performance with our guides, from load testing to fine-tuning and best practices.

  • MySQL

    Learn essential strategies for load testing and optimizing MySQL databases to ensure efficient performance and scalability under high demand.

  • NestJS

    Discover essential techniques for load testing, performance testing, and optimizing your NestJS applications to ensure scalability and reliability.

  • NextJS

    Explore our guides on load testing, performance testing, and optimizing NextJS applications for maximum efficiency and speed.

  • Nginx

    Explore our guides on optimizing, load testing, and enhancing the performance of Nginx to ensure your web server setup is robust, fast, and efficient.

  • NoSQL

    Explore our guides on NoSQL databases to understand their unique performance characteristics, load testing techniques, and optimization strategies.

  • Other

    Explore a variety of advanced and supplementary guides on load testing, performance testing, and optimization beyond the basics.

  • PHP

    Explore our comprehensive guides on PHP performance testing to learn how to effectively optimize, load test, and enhance the efficiency of your PHP applications.

  • Phoenix

    Explore our collection of guides to master load testing, performance testing, and optimizing your Phoenix applications for maximum efficiency and scalability.

  • PostgreSQL

    Explore our guides on optimizing and load testing PostgreSQL to boost database performance and reliability.

  • React

    Explore our comprehensive guides on load testing, performance testing, and optimizing React applications to ensure your web apps are fast, resilient, and scalable.

  • Redis

    Explore our guides on Redis to master its performance optimization, load testing techniques, and best practices for maintaining reliable and efficient in-memory data storage.

  • Ruby on Rails

    Master the art of load testing, performance testing, and optimizing your Ruby on Rails applications to ensure robust and efficient user experiences.

  • Spring

    Discover how to effectively load test and optimize the performance of your Spring applications with our comprehensive guides.

  • Strapi

    Explore our guides on Strapi to learn effective strategies for load testing, optimizing performance, and ensuring scalable and robust content management solutions.

  • Symfony

    Learn how to optimize, load test, and enhance the performance of your Symfony applications with our comprehensive guides.

  • Tomcat

    Optimize the performance of your Apache Tomcat server with our comprehensive guides on load testing, tuning, and best practices.

  • WordPress

    Discover how to effectively load test, optimize performance, and enhance the speed of your WordPress site with our comprehensive guides.

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