Test millions of requests/second

LoadForge scales up to 5,000,000 virtual SSL (HTTPS) users allowing you to test large scale applications and APIs easily and affordably. You can run distributed tests, with multiple running at once, to effectively test web applications of any size.

People working on laptops

The best web stress test

High performance, high scale load testing is within your reach

LoadForge allows you true scale. Start testing today and relax about your sites performance.

500,000 Virtual users per test

350,000+ SSL transactions per second

20 Tests in parallel

Millions Simultaneous SSL TPS


Everything you need to load test your website, app, or API.

LoadForge includes login testing, multiple locations, customized user scripting, full API access, optional python driven tests and more.

Powerful and easy

You choose your level of complexity, anyone can launch a stress test, and you can script powerful interactions.


Launch up to 20 web stress testing servers, with millions of virtual users and SSL requests per second (TPS).

Best Price

LoadForge has the best pricing per virtual user of any of the leading load testing platforms, starting from just $49/month!

(Optionally) Powered by Your Cloud

LoadForge can use your DigitalOcean account to launch load tests, the average test costs just cents!

AI Driven Reporting

Keep your load test results and compare historical tests after deployments of your app, and have our AI analyze your site.

Drive by API

Create a test and launch it whenever you want, as often as you want, via API. Easily integrate with your CI/CD.

Easily deploy massive tests

LoadForge makes simulating hundreds of thousands of users easy, and affordable. You can run unlimited tests, and using your own infrastructure a test usually costs a few cents.

Large Load Test
People at a Table

High scale testing

Why LoadForge?

High scale load testing can be very expensive. Competitors limit the number of tests you can run, and the number of users severely. LoadForge leverages it's unique technology to launch test servers in your cloud, allowing us to charge much less and to generate massive amounts of traffic at a very low cost.

A 250,000 user test will cost you around $3 to run in your cloud costs, and only requires a $245 LoadForge account to execute. This is many, many times cheaper than our nearest competitor, and LoadForge allows you to scale all the way up to 500,000 virtual users per test, with many tests in parallel. We have simple goals:

  • Let users use their own cloud accounts, and save money
  • Allow centralized, scalable testing across many devices
  • Make it affordable so that anyone can use it

We’re here to help

If you're unsure then sign up for an account and test it! If you'd like to speak, please contact us at any time.