LoadForge uses your cloud account to rapidly scale large numbers of simulated users to load test your website, store, API, or application for cheap - just cents per test!
Everything you need to load test your website, app, or API.
LoadForge includes login testing, multiple locations, customized user scripting, full API access, optional python driven tests and more.
You choose your level of complexity, anyone can launch a stress test, and you can script powerful interactions.
Launch up to 20 web stress testing servers, with millions of virtual users and SSL requests per second (TPS).
LoadForge has the best pricing per virtual user of any of the leading load testing platforms, starting from just $49/month!
LoadForge can use your DigitalOcean account to launch load tests, the average test costs just cents!
Keep your load test results and compare historical tests after deployments of your app, and have our AI analyze your site.
Create a test and launch it whenever you want, as often as you want, via API. Easily integrate with your CI/CD.
LoadForge is the ultimate load testing platform, supporting web apps, websites, SQL, and more.
Run Unlimited Tests
Let The Wizard Work
Large Scale
You don't need to be a professional at load testing, our AI will automatically check your test results and tell you where to focus and what problems to look out for!
General Load Testing
API Load Testing
Stress Test Web Applications
High Performance Web Load Tests
MySQL, MariaDB, PostgreSQL
LoadForge automatically analyzes your site, explaining errors, showing detailed graphs, and performance numbers per page. Easily and quickly understand your load testing results.
Helpful Resources
LoadForge has many resources for those new to web load tests. We have a guides directory, full documentation, and many example locustfiles.
LoadForge is used every day to stress test APIs, websites, stores, blogs, and more.
Create your LoadForge account today and load test your web applications, websites, APIs and services. Understand your performance metrics!
Create Your Account