Why should you choose

LoadForge is the ultimate, easy, affordable testing solution for modern developers.

Exec Summary

Easy to use, yet powerful

LoadForge is the ultimate load testing platform, supporting web apps, websites, SQL, and more.

Run Unlimited Tests

Run as many tests as you want. Pricing starts at $49 and is based on simulated users per test.

Let The Wizard Work

LoadForge can automatically scan your site and create a test for you.

Large Scale

LoadForge can test millions of concurrent users, and offers the lowest cost-per-user tests in the industry.

Trusted by teams around the world

LoadForge is used every day to stress test APIs, websites, stores, blogs, and more.

Load Tests Today
HTTP Requests Today
150.58 m
Total Tests
663.371 k

Primary differences

The primary differences between LoadForge and competitors.

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Unlimited Tests
Competitors limit the number of tests per month or per year, costing a large amount of money for additional tests. This limits your ability to automate tests, to have multiple applications or separate tests by use case.
High Peak Performance
LoadForge allows 20 virtual machines with between 20,000 and 40,000 simulated (SSL) users per system. Run massive tests with over 500,000 users for a fraction of the industry cost.
Record Browser Actions
LoadForge supports recording browser actions in Chrome, and then converting them into a LoadForge test. This allows you to simulate a real user browsing your site, logging in, ordering items, etc.
Run Complex Real User Tests
Test detailed user interactions, maintain sessions between pages and requests, login, logout, test SPAs, APIs and more. LoadForge lets you emulate real, natural browsing and usage.
All Your Load Testing In One Place
LoadForge can load test HTTP, HTTPS, SQL, GraphQL, REST, MQTT, Websockets, Kafka and more!
Run Parallel Tests
LoadForge natively includes the ability to run tests in parallel. This is severely limited on other providers packages, and typically reserved for the costly options.
Fair, Modern Pricing
LoadForge offers 10,000 simulated users for only $49 a month. K6 charges $1199 per month for 5,000 users. Whether you are a large or small company our pricing makes sense, and enables your business.
Focused on Development Metrics
We focus on getting quick, actionable, repeatable tests that help developers to optimize, understand and streamline their applications. Detailed error logs, P50, P70, P90, P95, P98, P99, P99.9, P99.99 results and more take it to the next level!
Easy and fast to use
Small agile teams can't spend weeks writing load tests, or scaling up systems. LoadForge can go from fresh registration to completed test in under 5 minutes and for cents of compute cost.
Build your own tests
The powerful locust.io engine allows you to completely customize tests. Login to platforms, send POST or GET requests, follow detailed paths, generate random requests, and much more.
Extremely high scale
LoadForge current supports up to 20 load simulation servers with 10,000-20,000 simulated users per server for clients. It's priced so you can use it as well, a $49 account gets you 10,000 users and for $95 you can get 50,000 virtual users. Our Enterprise package can go up to 5,000,000 SSL TPS!
Pay as you go, cancel any time
Adaptive, agile pricing that doesn't require a yearly commitment or lock-in means we don't charge you for 12 months of load tests when really you needed two days of tests. Less greed, more speed! If you love the product and use it a lot, we do offer yearly subscriptions at a 20% discount.

Let the system interpret your tests

You don't need to be a professional load tester, our AI will automatically check your test results and tell you where to focus and what problems to look out for!

Inbox user interface

Beautiful, powerful reports, with actionable metrics

LoadForge automatically analyzes your site, explaining errors, showing detailed graphs, and performance numbers per page. Easily and quickly understand your load testing results.

  • Graphs for requests, errors, rates, latency, P95, P99
  • HTTP error analysis and performance AI
  • Download CSV or PDF reports
  • Store and compare your tests