LoadForge Demo
Watch our video overview of LoadForge and how to use it to load test your websites and APIs, all the way to getting your first report.
Learn about the LoadForge platform
Test at over 5,000,000 SSL TPS
PostgreSQL, MySQL, MariaDB load testing
Stress test your API endpoints at scale
Docs, guides, tips and tricks
Example locustfile test directory
Latest news, tips and tricks
Submitting forms is a very common activity during load tests. From input in your application, to logging in, and more.
Load testing a REST API is extremely easy with LoadForge, follow this simple guide.
LoadForge allows you to login to any website, and then browse the site as a logged in user (or set of users).
Watch our video overview of LoadForge and how to use it to load test your websites and APIs, all the way to getting your first report.
Sign up today and run your first few tests within minutes!