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Database Optimization Tips For A High Performing Drupal Installation - LoadForge Guides

In the vast realm of web development, ensuring that your Drupal-based website runs optimally is of paramount importance. A high-performing Drupal installation not only enhances the user experience but also ensures efficient utilization of server resources. At the heart of...


Introduction to Drupal Performance Optimization

In the vast realm of web development, ensuring that your Drupal-based website runs optimally is of paramount importance. A high-performing Drupal installation not only enhances the user experience but also ensures efficient utilization of server resources. At the heart of this optimization lies one critical component: the database.

The Role of Database Optimization

The interaction between Drupal and its database forms the backbone of your site's performance. Every page load, content update, user authentication, and configuration change involves database queries. When these queries become inefficient or when database architecture is suboptimal, it can lead to significant performance bottlenecks.

Improving the performance of the database means faster page loads and a more responsive user experience, which is critical for retaining visitors and reducing bounce rates. Moreover, optimized databases enable servers to handle more simultaneous users without compromising performance, thereby offering excellent scalability.

Impact on User Experience

In today's fast-paced digital world, users expect websites to load almost instantaneously. A site that drags due to slow database queries can result in high abandonment rates, affecting user engagement and satisfaction. Optimizing your Drupal database ensures quick data retrieval, reducing latency and providing users with a seamless interaction.

Server Resource Optimization

Beyond enhancing user experience, database optimization plays a crucial role in efficient server resource utilization. High CPU load, memory consumption, and I/O operations are often side effects of poorly optimized databases. By tuning database performance, you can minimize these resource demands, potentially lowering costs by delaying or even negating the need for hardware upgrades.

Key Considerations

  • Query Efficiency: Optimizing SQL queries to reduce execution time and resource consumption.
  • Indexing: Implementing and maintaining proper database indexes to accelerate query responses.
  • Caching: Leveraging Drupal's built-in caching mechanisms to reduce the number of database calls.
  • Maintenance: Regular database maintenance practices to keep the system optimal and responsive.

In the following sections, we will delve deeper into these strategies, providing you with detailed insights and practical tips for ensuring that your Drupal site remains robust and high-performing. By understanding and implementing these database optimization techniques, you can ensure your Drupal installation is operating at peak efficiency.

## Analyzing Database Bottlenecks

In the quest for a high-performing Drupal site, understanding where your database queries are hitting snags is crucial. Database bottlenecks can cause frustrating delays, impacting both user experience and server efficiency. In this section, we'll explore the steps and tools necessary to uncover these bottlenecks, focusing on identifying slow SQL queries and other database constraints that hinder your Drupal site's performance.

### Step 1: Enable Database Logging

The first step in analyzing database performance is to ensure that you have detailed logging enabled, which will provide valuable insights into query execution times and patterns:
- **Enable Query Logging**: Most database systems, including MySQL and PostgreSQL, can be configured to log slow queries. Adjust your database configuration to log queries taking longer than a specific threshold, often set around 1 second.
  - For MySQL, update your `my.cnf` with:
    slow_query_log = 1
    slow_query_log_file = /var/log/mysql/mysql-slow.log
    long_query_time = 1
  - For PostgreSQL, modify `postgresql.conf` for similar settings:
    <pre><code>log_min_duration_statement = 1000
- **Use Drupal's Database Logging Module**: Ensure that Drupal's built-in logging and performance monitoring, such as the Devel module, is enabled for capturing database metrics.

### Step 2: Monitor Real-Time Database Performance

Utilize tools that provide real-time insights into database performance:
- **MySQL Tuner**: This Perl script will suggest configuration changes to help improve MySQL performance:
  <pre><code>perl mysqltuner.pl
- **pg_stat_statements for PostgreSQL**: This extension helps identify and monitor the execution statistics of SQL statements over time.

### Step 3: Identify Slow Queries and Analyze Query Plans

Once you've enabled logging and monitoring, turn your focus to the problematic queries:
- **Review Slow Query Logs**: Dive into the logs to identify high-execution time queries. These are prime candidates for optimization.
- **Use EXPLAIN for Query Plans**: Running `EXPLAIN` on slow queries will provide detailed information about how the database engine executes them. This can highlight inefficient operations, like full table scans, and inform index creation.
  - Example:
    <pre><code>EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM users WHERE status = 'active';

### Step 4: Leverage Database Profiling Tools

Advanced profiling tools can offer deeper insights into database performance:
- **Percona Toolkit's pt-query-digest**: This tool reviews MySQL query logs and generates reports on query performance and load.
- **pgBadger**: A fast PostgreSQL log analyzer that can provide sophisticated insights into the database's workload.

### Step 5: Assess Server Resources and Configuration

Finally, database performance can be hindered by server limitations or misconfiguration:
- **Check Hardware Resources**: Ensure that your server's CPU, RAM, and I/O capabilities are not being maxed out.
- **Review Database Configuration**: Re-evaluate configurations related to connection handling, cache size, and temporary file management to ensure they're optimized for current demand.

By following these steps, you can efficiently pinpoint database bottlenecks in your Drupal installation. This process not only helps streamline query performance but also aids in creating a more responsive and reliable user experience on your site. Make sure to continue with the subsequent sections to learn how to address these identified issues effectively.
## Optimizing SQL Queries

To enhance the performance of your Drupal installation, optimizing SQL queries is paramount. Efficient SQL queries reduce database load and speed up data retrieval, directly impacting site responsiveness and user satisfaction. Here, we explore key tips and techniques for crafting queries that are not only effective but also resource-efficient.

### 1. Select Only Needed Columns

Retrieving unnecessary columns increases the amount of data transferred and processed, leading to slower performance. Always specify only the columns you need in your `SELECT` statements.

-- Inefficient Query: Selects all columns which may not be needed
SELECT * FROM users WHERE status = 1;

-- Optimized Query: Selects only needed columns
SELECT uid, name FROM users WHERE status = 1;

2. Use WHERE Clauses Wisely

Filtering data at the database level reduces the data handled by PHP and improves query speed. Ensure your WHERE clause conditions are written effectively.

-- Improved Filtering with WHERE
SELECT nid, title FROM node WHERE type = 'article' AND status = 1;

3. Avoid N+1 Query Problem

The N+1 query issue occurs when an application makes inefficient database queries, retrieving one record at a time in a loop. Instead, use JOIN or IN to batch-fetch data.

-- Inefficient N+1 Pattern
SELECT field_value FROM field_data WHERE entity_id = 1;
SELECT field_value FROM field_data WHERE entity_id = 2;

-- Optimized Approach using IN
SELECT entity_id, field_value FROM field_data WHERE entity_id IN (1, 2);

4. Implement Joins with Care

JOINs can be resource-intensive if mishandled, especially on large datasets. Ensure indexes on columns involved and use appropriate JOIN types.

-- Efficient Join with Indexed Columns
SELECT n.nid, n.title, nd.body_value FROM node n
JOIN node__body nd ON n.nid = nd.entity_id
WHERE n.type = 'page' AND n.status = 1;

5. Limit and Offset

Pagination helps in managing data load efficiently. However, overuse of OFFSET can lead to poor performance as it iterates through records. Consider utilizing range queries or caching strategies for large data sets.

-- Pagination with Limit and Offset
SELECT nid, title FROM node WHERE type = 'article' ORDER BY created DESC LIMIT 10 OFFSET 40;

6. Use Aggregate Functions Judiciously

Aggregates like COUNT, SUM, AVG can be costly on performance. Where possible, leverage pre-aggregated values if available within Drupal.

-- Aggregate Functions Example
SELECT COUNT(uid) FROM users WHERE status = 1;

7. Leverage Query Caching and Views Caching

Make use of Drupal's built-in caching mechanisms to store results of complex queries and deliver data more swiftly.

  • Views Caching: Use Views caching settings to cache query results at different levels (time-based, per-user, per-role) to minimize database strain.


Crafting efficient SQL queries is a crucial component of ensuring your Drupal site operates smoothly. By applying these techniques, you not only enhance performance but also lay the groundwork for a more scalable and robust application environment. In the next sections, we’ll cover additional strategies, including database indexing and leveraging caches, to further optimize your Drupal setup.

The above section is crafted to fit into the overall guide on optimizing your Drupal database, providing practical and technical directives to streamline SQL query execution.

## Utilizing Drupal's Cache Mechanisms

In the quest for a more responsive and high-performing Drupal site, making efficient use of Drupal's caching capabilities is crucial. Caching not only reduces the number of database queries on frequently accessed pages but also speeds up data delivery to end-users. This section explores Drupal's built-in caching mechanisms, illustrating how they can be effectively leveraged to improve your site's overall performance.

### Understanding Drupal's Caching Mechanisms

Drupal offers several layers of caching, each designed to store different types of data and optimize workflows:

- **Page Cache**: Stores the fully rendered HTML page for anonymous users, thus eliminating the need for repeated page builds from scratch. 
- **Dynamic Page Cache**: Provides caching for both anonymous and authenticated users by caching parts of pages that do not change frequently.
- **Render Cache**: Caches render arrays, which represent the state of your responses before converting to HTML.
- **Entity Cache**: Caches loaded entity objects, like nodes, to minimize database calls for frequently accessed entities.
- **Views Cache**: Stores the output of queries built by Drupal Views to avoid repeated data retrieval operations.

These caches can be controlled through Drupal's configuration or custom code to fit specific needs and can be instrumental in reducing database loads tremendously.

### Configuring Drupal Caching

Configuring caching in Drupal is straightforward and can be adjusted through the admin interface or through configuration files for more advanced scenarios. Below are several tips for utilizing caching efficiently:

1. **Enable Page Caching**:
   - Navigate to `Admin > Configuration > Development > Performance`.
   - Ensure 'Cache pages for anonymous users' is enabled to reduce page generation time for anonymous traffic.

2. **Dynamic Page Cache**:
   - Enabled by default in Drupal 8 and above, but configuring its lifetime correctly can optimize performance for all users.

3. **Use Cache Tags and Cache Contexts**:
   - Use cache tags to invalidate cached content when underlying data changes. 
   - Define cache contexts to ensure caches adapt based on different user roles, languages, or other variations.

4. **Entity and Render Caching**:
   - By default, entity and render caching are permanently on in Drupal, but they can be further customized to your needs using custom modules or configurations.

5. **Optimizing Views Caches**:
   - When building Views, remember to enable caching on the view settings. 
   - Configure caching duration and behavior, typically under 'Advanced' settings in the Views UI.

### Example: Custom Cache Implementation

Below is an example of how to implement custom caching in a Drupal module:


namespace Drupal\custom_module;

use Drupal\Core\Cache\CacheBackendInterface;
use Drupal\Core\Cache\CacheableMetadata;

class CustomCacheService {

  protected $cacheBackend;

  public function __construct(CacheBackendInterface $cache_backend) {
    $this->cacheBackend = $cache_backend;

  public function cacheData($cid, $data, $tags = []) {
    $cache_metadata = new CacheableMetadata();
    $this->cacheBackend->set($cid, $data, CacheBackendInterface::CACHE_PERMANENT, $cache_metadata->getCacheTags());

  public function fetchData($cid) {
    if ($cache = $this->cacheBackend->get($cid)) {
      return $cache->data;
    return NULL;


### Conclusion

By effectively utilizing Drupal's robust caching systems, sites can achieve significant performance gains, mitigating excessive database loads and speeding up user-facing responses. Whether through configuration or custom implementation, caching remains a pivotal strategy in managing Drupal site performance.

Database Indexing Strategies

Effective database indexing is crucial for improving the performance of your Drupal site. Properly managed indexes can significantly enhance data retrieval speed, reduce the load on your server, and offer a smoother user experience. This section outlines essential strategies for creating and managing indexes to optimize your Drupal database.

Understanding Indexes

Indexes are data structures that store a subset of columns from a table and allow for faster query execution. In a Drupal context, they are instrumental in expediting database operations, especially when dealing with larger tables. The key is to create indexes that are aligned with the most frequently queried data.

Identifying Index Opportunities

Before creating indexes, it's essential to analyze which queries are slow. This analysis typically involves:

  • Reviewing Query Logs: Use the database's slow query log feature to identify queries that take the longest to run.

  • EXPLAIN Command: Utilize the EXPLAIN command to understand how your queries are executed and where potential bottlenecks lie.

  • Drupal's Devel Module: This tool enhances your development environment by providing a debugging interface and can help identify performance lags.

Best Practices for Index Creation

  1. Index Selective Columns: Focus on columns that are used in WHERE clauses, join conditions, or are frequently sorted.

  2. Use Composite Indexes: When multiple columns are often used together in queries, create a composite index. For example:

    CREATE INDEX idx_example ON table_name(column1, column2);
  3. Avoid Over-Indexing: While indexes speed up read operations, they can slow down write operations. Thus, balance is key.

  4. Index with Purpose: Always have a clear reason for creating an index. Use performance testing to ensure it delivers the expected benefits.

  5. Review and Adjust Regularly: Database usage patterns change over time. Regularly revisit your indexing strategy to ensure it still aligns with current data access patterns.

Managing Indexes

  • Remove Redundant Indexes: Over time, some indexes may become obsolete due to schema changes or shifts in query patterns. Periodically review and remove any redundant indexes to optimize performance.

  • Monitor Index Usage: Use tools provided by your database management system to monitor index usage and ensure they are being accessed by queries.

  • Rebuild Fragmented Indexes: In databases where indexes become fragmented over time, schedule regular maintenance tasks to rebuild them, ensuring they perform optimally.

Example of Index Creation in Drupal

Suppose you have a Drupal site with a table node_field_data frequently queried by node id and creation date. An appropriate index might look like this:

CREATE INDEX idx_node_created ON node_field_data(nid, created);

This index will speed up queries filtering or sorting by these two fields, making data retrieval more efficient.

By incorporating these database indexing strategies, you lay a strong foundation for a responsive and high-performance Drupal installation. Remember to continuously evaluate your indexes in conjunction with overall database performance to keep your site running smoothly and efficiently.

## Regular Database Maintenance

Ensuring your Drupal installation maintains high performance involves not just identifying and optimizing bottlenecks, but also engaging in regular database maintenance activities. These tasks help prevent issues before they emerge and keep your database running smoothly. Here, we'll detail best practices for database maintenance tasks such as VACUUM, ANALYZE, and regular backups that are crucial for sustaining optimal Drupal performance.


In a PostgreSQL environment, which is commonly used with Drupal, regular VACUUM and ANALYZE operations are essential for cleanup and statistics update purposes.


The `VACUUM` command cleans up "dead" tuples, which occur after deleting or updating rows. If these are not cleared, they continue to occupy disk space and can harm database performance.

To run a simple `VACUUM`, use:


For optimal results, it’s advisable to use `VACUUM FULL`, which recovers more disk space but requires a lock on tables during its operation:

<pre><code>VACUUM FULL;</code></pre>

While `VACUUM FULL` is more intensive, scheduling it during low traffic periods can maintain performance without disrupting user experience.


The `ANALYZE` command updates statistics used by the PostgreSQL query planner to devise efficient query plans. Keeping statistics current optimizes query performance.

The command can be run as follows:


For routine maintenance, consider automated scheduling with `autovacuum` enabled, handling these tasks quietly in the background.

### Regular Backups

Regular backups are vital to avoid data loss and ensure a swift recovery from any critical failure. Employ a robust backup strategy that includes regular incremental backups and less frequent full backups. Store backups offsite or in cloud storage to ensure data integrity even in physical disasters.

Use Drush, a powerful command-line shell and scripting interface for Drupal, to perform database backups with ease:

<pre><code>drush sql-dump --result-file=../path/to/backup/`date +%Y%m%d_%H%M%S`.sql</code></pre>

This command generates a timestamped SQL dump in your specified backup location.

### Scheduling Maintenance Tasks

Automating these maintenance operations is critical for consistent performance. Use cron jobs to schedule regular `VACUUM`, `ANALYZE`, and backup tasks in Unix-based systems.

Example cron entry for running daily maintenance at 3 AM:

0 3 * * * /usr/bin/psql -d drupal -c "VACUUM ANALYZE;"
0 4 * * * /usr/local/bin/drush @sites sql-dump --gzip --result-file=/backups/drupal-sql-backup.sql

### Conclusion

By implementing regular database maintenance, including VACUUM, ANALYZE, and systematic backups, you help ensure your Drupal installation remains high-performing and resilient. These preventative measures safeguard against declines in performance and facilitate a swift recovery in case of data challenges. Remember, maintaining a smooth-operating database is an ongoing process that pays substantial dividends in site efficiency and user satisfaction.
## Scaling with a Load Balancer

As your Drupal site grows and attracts more traffic, efficiently managing database requests becomes critical for maintaining site performance. One effective strategy is to implement a load balancer, which helps distribute incoming database queries more evenly across available resources, minimizing bottlenecks and maximizing resource utilization. In this section, we will introduce you to the principles and benefits of using load balancers within a Drupal environment, as well as practical tips for their implementation.

### Understanding Load Balancing

Load balancing is a technique used to distribute network or application traffic evenly across multiple servers. In a Drupal context, this ensures that no single server is overwhelmed with requests, which can lead to slow performance or downtime. Load balancers act as intermediaries, efficiently directing database queries to the optimal server based on current load and pre-configured rules.

### Benefits of Load Balancing in Drupal

- **Increased Reliability and Redundancy**: By distributing traffic, load balancers help ensure that your Drupal site remains accessible even if one or more servers fail.
- **Improved Performance**: By optimizing resource utilization, load balancers can help reduce query response times and increase overall site speed.
- **Scalability**: As your site grows, load balancers make it easier to add more database nodes, allowing you to scale horizontally and handle increased demand.

### Configuring Load Balancers for Drupal

When setting up a load balancer for your Drupal site, consider the following configuration tips:

1. **Choose the Right Load Balancer Type**:
   - **Hardware Load Balancers**: Offer robust performance but can be costly.
   - **Software Load Balancers**: More flexible and cost-effective, often implemented via services like HAProxy or Nginx.
   - **Cloud-based Load Balancers**: Provided by cloud providers like AWS Elastic Load Balancing or Google Cloud Load Balancing, easy to scale.

2. **Implement Consistent Hashing**: 
   - This technique helps direct specific sessions or related database activities to specific database nodes, reducing cache misses and improving data retrieval times.

3. **Health Check Configuration**:
   - Configure regular health checks for your database servers to ensure traffic is only routed to healthy nodes.

4. **Session Persistence**:
   - Also known as sticky sessions, this ensures that a user's requests are consistently routed to the same server, which can be crucial for session-dependent applications.

5. **SSL Termination**:
   - To reduce the processing load on your servers, manage SSL processing at the load balancer level, which simplifies network security and improves performance.

### Example Configuration with HAProxy

Here's a basic example of how you might configure an HAProxy load balancer for a Drupal site:

    log /dev/log local0
    log /dev/log local1 notice
    chroot /var/lib/haproxy
    stats socket /run/haproxy/admin.sock mode 660 level admin
    stats timeout 30s
    user haproxy
    group haproxy

    log global
    mode http
    option httplog
    option dontlognull
    timeout connect 5000
    timeout client 50000
    timeout server 50000

frontend http_front
    bind *:80
    default_backend drupal_back

backend drupal_back
    balance roundrobin
    server web1 check
    server web2 check

### Monitoring and Adjusting

After deploying a load balancer, continue to monitor its performance using both built-in monitoring tools and external analytics. Adjust configurations as needed based on traffic patterns and performance metrics to maintain an optimal balance between performance and resource utilization.

In conclusion, load balancing is a powerful strategy for enhancing the scalability and reliability of your Drupal site. By effectively distributing database requests, load balancers help ensure your site's seamless performance under increased load, preparing it for future growth.

Load Testing with LoadForge

Once you've implemented various database optimization strategies for your Drupal site, it's crucial to validate these improvements under real-world scenarios. This is where LoadForge comes into play. LoadForge is an industry-leading load testing platform that provides insights into how your Drupal site performs under stress, ensuring that your optimizations yield the desired results.

Setting Up LoadForge for Drupal

Before diving into load testing, it's necessary to set up LoadForge with targeted test scenarios for your Drupal environment. Here's a step-by-step approach:

  1. Create a LoadForge Account: Start by signing up for an account at LoadForge's official website. Choose a plan that aligns with your testing volume and requirements.

  2. Define Test Objectives: Clearly outline what you aim to achieve through your load tests - whether it's measuring response time under heavy traffic, identifying server resource bottlenecks, or validating database stability after optimizations.

  3. Configure Test Scenarios:

    • Identify Critical Paths: Focus on Drupal paths that are performance-critical, such as content listings, user login, and administrative functionalities.
    • Simulate User Behavior: Define user scenarios that replicate typical user interactions on your site, using LoadForge's intuitive interface to simulate various user flows and actions.

Executing Load Tests

With LoadForge set up, it's time to execute your load tests:

  1. Select the Load Model: Choose a load model. LoadForge offers various testing patterns, such as constant, step, and spike loads, allowing you to replicate different traffic conditions.

  2. Run Preliminary Tests: Execute initial tests with smaller loads to validate test scenarios and debugging configurations. This helps ensure that your test does not encounter configuration errors at higher loads.

  3. Conduct Full-Scale Load Testing:

    • Scale Up Gradually: Gradually increase the load to observe how your system scales. Monitor the database performance, server load, and response times using LoadForge's real-time analytics.
    • Identify Breakpoints: Use LoadForge's insightful graphs and reports to identify when performance degrades - look for spikes in response times or server errors.

Analyzing Test Results

LoadForge delivers comprehensive reports and analytical data post-tests:

  • Response Time Analysis: Evaluate the response time distributions to ensure that your Drupal site responds quickly even under significant load.
  • Error Rate Exploration: Investigate any server or database errors that occurred during testing. High error rates may indicate issues that require further database configuration or code optimization.
  • Resource Utilization: Correlate site resource metrics, such as CPU load and memory usage, with load testing data to diagnose performance constraints.

Iterative Testing

Database performance optimization is an ongoing process. After implementing changes based on your load testing insights:

  • Iterate: Rerun LoadForge tests to validate new changes.
  • Document: Keep records of all testing configurations and results to benchmark future tests.
  • Adjust: Continuously tweak your database and server configurations to meet evolving traffic demands and enhance user experience.

Conducting thorough load testing with LoadForge after applying database optimizations is essential in maintaining a high-performing Drupal environment. This practice not only ensures that optimizations are effective but also prepares your Drupal site for the growing demands of modern web traffic.

## Conclusion and Future Considerations

As we have explored throughout this guide, optimizing your Drupal site's database is a foundational step towards achieving high-performance and resource-efficient operations. By implementing the strategies we've outlined, you can significantly enhance both the user experience and the back-end efficiency of your Drupal installation.

### Key Takeaways

1. **Database Analysis and Diagnostics**: Identifying and understanding bottlenecks in your database is crucial. Tools and techniques to diagnose slow SQL queries enable targeted performance improvements.

2. **Efficient SQL Practices**: Writing highly efficient SQL queries can greatly reduce unnecessary load on your database. Minimize data retrieval times by focusing on query optimization.

3. **Harnessing Drupal's Caching**: Properly leveraging Drupal's caching mechanisms reduces the frequency of direct database queries, thereby speeding up page load times and reducing server resource consumption.

4. **Strategic Database Indexing**: Creating effective indexes helps in achieving faster query times. Knowing when and where to apply them ensures balanced and swift data retrieval without incurring additional overhead.

5. **Routine Maintenance**: Regular maintenance tasks like VACUUMing and ANALYZING your database contribute to its overall health and performance, reducing the risk of database bloat and inefficiency.

6. **Load Distribution**: Introducing a load balancer enhances scalability, distributing database requests efficiently and minimizing the risk of overload during peak traffic periods.

7. **Comprehensive Load Testing**: Utilizing LoadForge for load testing post-optimization is essential to validate the resilience and performance improvements in a live environment.

### Future Trends in Drupal Performance Enhancement

Looking forward, several trends and advancements are poised to further enhance Drupal performance:

- **Integration of Machine Learning**: Leveraging AI to predict and automatically optimize database queries, enhancing personalized user experiences while maintaining performance thresholds.
- **Advanced Caching Solutions**: The development of more sophisticated caching techniques and tools, such as improved edge caching mechanisms, to further reduce server load.

- **Containerization and Microservices**: Increasing adoption of Docker and Kubernetes might influence Drupal architectures, promoting efficient scaling and resource management.

- **Enhanced Developer Tools**: Through the evolution of developer tools and platforms, spotting and addressing performance issues may become more interactive and streamlined.

Ensuring your Drupal site remains competitive and responsive will require continual adaptation to these emerging technologies. Staying informed and proactive in database optimization strategies will keep your site running efficiently and ensure it meets evolving user expectations. Remember, the ultimate goal is delivering a seamless, fast user experience while preserving backend stability and scaling capacity.

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