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Best Practices for Caching Strategies with Fastly CDN - LoadForge Guides

In today's digital age, delivering high-performance, reliable, and secure web experiences is crucial for user engagement and satisfaction. One of the most effective ways to achieve this is through the use of a Content Delivery Network (CDN). This section will...


Introduction to Fastly CDN

In today's digital age, delivering high-performance, reliable, and secure web experiences is crucial for user engagement and satisfaction. One of the most effective ways to achieve this is through the use of a Content Delivery Network (CDN). This section will provide an overview of Fastly CDN, emphasizing its role in enhancing website performance. We will explore the fundamentals of CDNs, how Fastly sets itself apart from other CDNs on the market, and the specific benefits it offers for optimizing website speed.

What is a Content Delivery Network (CDN)?

A Content Delivery Network (CDN) is a globally distributed network of servers designed to deliver content to users with high availability and performance. By caching content closer to end-users, CDNs reduce latency, accelerate load times, and improve overall user experience. CDNs achieve this by:

  • Reducing Latency: Serving content from a server geographically closest to the user minimizes the distance data must travel, reducing latency.
  • Enhancing Redundancy and Availability: By distributing content across multiple servers, CDNs provide redundancy and can handle higher traffic volumes, ensuring content remains available even during spikes in demand.
  • Offloading Traffic: By serving static content (e.g., images, CSS, JavaScript) from CDN servers, the origin server is relieved of a significant load, allowing it to handle dynamic content more efficiently.

How Fastly CDN Differs from Other CDNs

While many CDNs enhance website performance, Fastly offers unique capabilities that differentiate it from others:

  1. Real-Time Control: Fastly provides unparalleled real-time configurability through its Varnish Configuration Language (VCL). This allows developers to deploy custom logic and make adjustments instantly without waiting for cache purges or configuration propagation times.
  2. Edge Computing: Fastly's edge cloud platform enables running custom code closer to users, offering faster execution times and lower latency for dynamic content and personalized experiences.
  3. High-Speed Caching: Leveraging a modern, distributed architecture, Fastly minimizes cache misses and maximizes cache efficiency, significantly boosting content delivery speed.
  4. Developer-Friendly: Fastly offers a robust API and client libraries, enabling seamless integration with existing workflows and providing tools to automate and manage CDN configurations programmatically.
  5. Security Features: Fastly incorporates features like TLS/SSL termination, Web Application Firewall (WAF), and DDoS protection at the edge, ensuring secure content delivery and protection against various security threats.

Benefits of Using Fastly for Optimizing Website Speed

Using Fastly CDN for your website offers multiple performance-enhancing benefits, including:

  1. Reduced Latency: By leveraging Fastly's extensive network of edge nodes, content is served from locations geographically closer to the user, minimizing latency and reducing page load times.
  2. Improved Cache Hit Rates: Fastly's efficient caching mechanisms and configurable cache policies help ensure a higher percentage of requests are served from the cache, reducing the load on origin servers and speeding up content delivery.
  3. Real-Time Configuration Changes: Developers can quickly adjust caching rules, purge content, and implement custom caching logic using Fastly’s real-time platform without disrupting user experiences.
  4. Scalability: Fastly seamlessly scales to handle increased traffic demands, ensuring your website remains responsive and available during traffic spikes, regardless of the underlying infrastructure.
  5. Enhanced Security: Features such as DDoS mitigation and TLS/SSL support ensure that content is not only delivered quickly but also securely, preserving user trust and data integrity.

In summary, Fastly CDN provides a powerful platform for delivering fast, reliable, and secure web experiences. Its unique features and capabilities make it an ideal choice for businesses looking to enhance website performance and ensure a seamless user experience across the globe. As we proceed through this guide, we'll delve deeper into specific caching strategies and configurations to help you maximize the benefits of Fastly CDN.

Understanding Caching Mechanisms

Caching is a pivotal component of Content Delivery Networks (CDNs), boosting the speed and performance of your website by storing copies of files closer to your users. Fastly CDN stands out due to its sophisticated caching architecture and its ability to provide high-speed content delivery through intelligent caching mechanisms. This section dives into the details of how caching works with Fastly and elucidates on key concepts such as caching layers, cache hits vs misses, and the process of serving cached content to end-users.

The Multi-Layered Caching Architecture

Fastly employs a multi-layered caching architecture designed to maximize efficiency and minimize latency:

  1. Origin Servers:

    • These are the original source servers where your content resides. They deliver content that is requested by CDN nodes if it's not already cached.
  2. Edge Nodes:

    • Distributed globally, edge nodes are the first layer that users interact with. Content that is frequently requested is stored here.
  3. Shield Nodes:

    • This intermediate caching layer reduces the number of times an origin server is contacted, enhancing caching efficiency further.

Cache Hits vs Cache Misses

Understanding the difference between cache hits and cache misses is fundamental:

  • Cache Hit:

    • Occurs when a user’s request is fulfilled by the CDN's cache without contacting the origin server. This leads to faster content delivery.
  • Cache Miss:

    • Happens when the requested content is not found in the CDN cache. The request is then forwarded to the origin server, fetched, and subsequently stored in the cache for future requests.

Cache Serving Process

When an end-user makes a request, the following steps demonstrate how Fastly serves cached content:

  1. DNS Resolution:

    • The request made by the client is first resolved via DNS to determine the nearest Fastly edge node.
  2. Request Routing:

    • The edge node checks its cache for the requested content.
  3. Cache Lookup:

    • If the content exists in the edge cache (cache hit), it is immediately delivered to the user.
    • If there is no cache hit, the request is forwarded to a shield node (if configured) for a second lookup.
  4. Origin Fetch:

    • If both those caches miss, the request finally reaches the origin server. Once fetched, the content is stored at both the shield and edge caches for future requests.

Example of Cache Headers

Understanding headers used in caching can help you better manage the process. Here are some common HTTP headers involved in caching:


Controls caching behavior both on Fastly and browsers.

Cache-Control: max-age=3600


Specific to CDNs, this header controls their cache.

Surrogate-Control: max-age=86400


An absolute timestamp to specify cache expiration.

Expires: Wed, 21 Oct 2023 07:28:00 GMT

Fastly provides precise control over these headers, allowing you to manage how and when content is cached.

Best Practices for Efficient Caching

To optimize caching mechanisms with Fastly, consider these best practices:

  • Set Appropriate TTL: Define suitable Time-To-Live (TTL) values for different types of content based on how often they change.
  • Utilize Surrogate Keys: For granular cache invalidation control, enabling efficient purging without affecting other cached content.
  • Optimize Cache Keys: Ensure that cache keys are optimized to avoid unnecessary cache differences and redundancy.

This multi-layered, intelligent caching mechanism ensures that content delivery is prompt and reliable, substantially enhancing user experience. With Fastly, you can expect robust performance improvements through its advanced and adaptable caching strategies.

In the next section, we will delve deeper into configuring edge caching with Fastly, providing step-by-step instructions to optimize your site for lightning-fast content delivery. Stay tuned!

Configuring Edge Caching with Fastly

Effective edge caching is crucial for ensuring that your content is delivered swiftly and reliably to end users. Fastly offers a range of powerful caching features that help optimize content delivery and reduce server load. In this section, we will provide step-by-step instructions on how to configure edge caching settings in Fastly, covering cache rules, time-to-live (TTL) settings, and optimizing cache keys.

Step-by-Step Instructions

1. Setting Up Cache Rules in Fastly

Cache rules define how different types of content are cached. To set up cache rules:

  1. Log in to the Fastly Web Interface: Navigate to your Fastly account and select the appropriate service.

  2. Navigate to the ‘Configuration’ Tab: Within the service, go to the "Configuration" tab and click on "Manage".

  3. Define Cache Conditions: Add cache conditions to control which requests should be cached. For example, to cache static files, you can create a condition based on the file extension.

    Name: Cache Static Content
    Condition: req.url.ext in {"css" "js" "jpg" "png" "gif}
  4. Create Cache Settings: After defining conditions, create cache settings to specify actions. Go to "Cache Settings" and click "Create a new Cache Setting".

    Name: Cache Static Files
    Action: Cache
    TTL: 86400 (1 day)
    Stale-while-revalidate: 3600 (1 hour)
    Apply if: Cache Static Content (condition created above)

By applying these rules, you enable efficient caching and ensure that commonly requested content is delivered rapidly to users.

2. Configuring Time-To-Live (TTL) Settings

Time-to-live (TTL) settings determine how long content stays in the cache before it is considered stale. Proper TTL configuration is essential for balancing up-to-date content with fast delivery.

  1. Define Appropriate TTL Values: Choose TTL values based on content type and update frequency. Static assets like images and scripts can have longer TTL values, while dynamic content should have shorter TTLs.

    Static Content (e.g., images, CSS, JS): 604800 seconds (7 days)
    Dynamic Content (e.g., HTML pages): 300 seconds (5 minutes)
  2. Set TTL in Cache Settings: When setting up cache settings, specify the TTL value.

    Cache Setting Name: Cache Static Files
    TTL: 604800
  3. Use Surrogate-Control Headers: Implement Surrogate-Control headers in your application’s response to override default TTLs for specific content.

    Surrogate-Control: max-age=600, stale-while-revalidate=30

3. Optimizing Cache Keys

Cache keys uniquely identify cached objects, and optimizing them can improve cache hit rates and performance.

  1. Customized Cache Keys: Customize cache keys to differentiate between resources that may appear similar but require separate caching instances.

    Default Cache Key: req.url
    Optimized Cache Key: req.url + req.http.host + req.url.qs
  2. Configure Fastly VCL for Custom Cache Keys: Modify the default Varnish Configuration Language (VCL) to incorporate custom cache keys in the Fastly interface.

    sub vcl_hash {
        if (req.http.Cookie) {
        if (req.url) {
        if (req.http.host) {

Using custom cache keys helps ensure that cached responses are correctly matched to requests, thus improving cache efficiency and user experience.


In this section, we've explored configuring edge caching settings in Fastly, including setting up cache rules, defining appropriate TTL settings, and optimizing cache keys. By carefully implementing and managing these configurations, you can significantly enhance the speed and reliability of content delivery through Fastly CDN.

For further optimization, be sure to continue monitoring cache performance and adjusting settings based on observed patterns and traffic loads. The next sections will delve into more advanced caching techniques and strategies to further refine your setup.

Using Surrogate Keys for Granular Cache Control

Caching is a critical aspect of optimizing website performance, and with Fastly CDN, you have access to advanced caching strategies that can drastically improve the efficiency and speed of your content delivery. One such strategy involves the use of surrogate keys. In this section, we will explore what surrogate keys are, how they work, and how you can implement them to maintain granular control over what content is cached and refreshed.

What are Surrogate Keys?

Surrogate keys provide a way to tag cached content with one or more identifiers, enabling you to purge related content simultaneously with a single request. This is especially useful for complex applications where multiple pieces of content need to be invalidated together, such as when a single update affects various pages or assets.

How Surrogate Keys Work

Surrogate keys work by associating keys with cached objects. When content is updated, you can issue a purge request using the surrogate key to invalidate all associated objects.

Here's a simplified breakdown of the process:

  1. Tagging Content: When content is cached, it is tagged with one or more surrogate keys.
  2. Purging by Key: When an update occurs that requires cache invalidation, a single purge request can be made using the surrogate key, which will invalidate all corresponding cached objects.

Implementing Surrogate Keys in Fastly

Fastly provides robust support for surrogate keys, making it easy to implement this feature. Let's go through the steps to set up and use surrogate keys.

Step 1: Tagging Content with Surrogate Keys

To tag content with surrogate keys, you will need to set the Surrogate-Key HTTP header in your application. Here’s an example using an HTTP response header:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: text/html
Surrogate-Key: post/1234 category/news

In this example, the content is tagged with two surrogate keys: post/1234 and category/news. This allows you to purge this content specifically using either of these keys.

Step 2: Purging Content by Surrogate Key

To purge content using surrogate keys, you will need to make an HTTP POST request to Fastly’s API with the key you wish to purge. Here’s an example using curl:

curl -X POST \
-H "Fastly-Key: YOUR_FASTLY_API_KEY" \
-H "Accept: application/json" \
-H "Fastly-Soft-Purge: 1" \

This request purges all cached content tagged with the post/1234 surrogate key. The Fastly-Soft-Purge: 1 header enables soft purging, which marks the content as stale while serving it until it is refreshed, minimizing disruptions.

Best Practices for Using Surrogate Keys

To get the most out of surrogate keys, consider the following best practices:

  • Use Meaningful Keys: Choose keys that logically group related content. For instance, tag articles with their category or author.
  • Combine Keys: Use multiple keys to segment content efficiently. This allows for more flexible and targeted purges.
  • Monitor Key Usage: Regularly review and manage the surrogate keys you use to ensure they align with content updates and purges.
  • Leverage Automation: Automate the assignment of surrogate keys and the purge process in your content management pipeline to reduce manual effort and errors.

Example Scenario

Imagine you run a news website. When a major news event happens, you might need to update related articles, the homepage, and relevant category pages. By using surrogate keys, you tag all these pages with a specific key, like event/4567. When the event details change, you can issue a single purge request using the event/4567 key, thereby updating all related content with minimal fuss.


Using surrogate keys with Fastly CDN provides powerful capabilities for granular cache control. By properly tagging your content and efficiently purging it using surrogate keys, you maintain precise control over your cached content, ensuring users receive the most up-to-date and relevant information with minimal delay.

In the next sections, we will dive into other advanced caching strategies and optimizations, including VCL scripting and performance monitoring, to further enhance your Fastly CDN configuration.

Implementing Custom VCL for Advanced Caching

When standard caching configurations don't suffice for your complex web applications, leveraging custom Varnish Configuration Language (VCL) scripts in Fastly can provide the granular control you need. In this section, we will guide you through writing and deploying custom VCL scripts to ensure optimal caching logic that aligns with your specific requirements.

Understanding VCL Basics

Varnish Configuration Language (VCL) is the scripting language used by Fastly to define caching policies. VCL allows modifications of request and response handling, enabling advanced manipulations such as conditional caching, custom headers, and tailored invalidations.

Some key points to remember:

  • VCL is divided into subroutines, each called at different stages of request processing.
  • Subroutines include vcl_recv (client request), vcl_backend_fetch (backend fetch), vcl_backend_response (backend response), and vcl_deliver (delivery to client).
  • VCL can use conditional statements and access request and response metadata.

Writing a Custom VCL Script

Custom VCL scripts provide the flexibility to enforce caching rules that go beyond default settings. Below, we illustrate a simple VCL script that demonstrates basic modifications:

vcl 4.0;

backend default {
    .host = "www.example.com";
    .port = "80";

sub vcl_recv {
    # Define custom cache TTL for different paths
    if (req.url ~ "^/api/") {
        set req.http.Cache-Control = "max-age=60";  // Cache API responses for 1 minute
    } else {
        set req.http.Cache-Control = "max-age=3600";  // Cache other responses for 1 hour

    # Bypass cache for logged-in users
    if (req.http.Cookie ~ "session_id") {
        return (pass);

sub vcl_backend_fetch {
    # Modify headers before fetching content from the backend
    set bereq.http.X-Cache-Status = "Fetching from origin";

sub vcl_backend_response {
    # Store UPS status in response headers
    set beresp.http.X-UPS-Status = "Stored";
    # Set custom caching policies for backend responses
    if (bereq.url ~ "^/images/") {
        set beresp.ttl = 24h;  // Cache images for 24 hours

sub vcl_deliver {
    # Add response header before delivery to client
    set resp.http.X-Cache-Served = "Fastly";

Deploying Custom VCL on Fastly

To deploy your custom VCL in Fastly, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to the Fastly Dashboard: Access your Fastly account and navigate to the service where you want to deploy the VCL.
  2. Create a New Version: Click on the "Manage" button and create a new version to ensure your changes can be safely tested and deployed without affecting the current environment.
  3. Upload Custom VCL: In the new version, find the section for Custom VCL and click on “Upload Custom VCL”. Copy and paste your VCL code into the text area provided.
  4. Set the VCL as Main: Ensure that the uploaded custom VCL is set as the “main” VCL file by configuring the appropriate settings in your service version.
  5. Activate the Version: Save your changes and activate the new version to apply the custom VCL.

Advanced VCL Use Cases

Custom VCL scripts can handle numerous advanced scenarios such as:

  • Conditional Caching: Cache content differently based on request conditions (e.g., user-agent, cookie presence).
  • Custom Error Handling: Define custom error pages or redirects within VCL.
  • Header Manipulation: Add, modify, or remove request/response headers to suit business logic.
  • Content Personalization: Serve personalized content while maintaining optimal caching for anonymous users.

Best Practices for Custom VCL

  1. Modularize Your VCL: Break down your VCL into reusable subroutines to improve readability and maintainability.
  2. Test Extensively: Use Fastly’s VCL syntax checker and simulation tools to validate your code before deployment.
  3. Monitor Performance: Continuously monitor how your custom VCL affects cache hit rates and overall performance. Fine-tune as necessary.

By leveraging custom VCL, you can achieve sophisticated caching behaviors tailored precisely to your application's needs. When standard configurations fall short, VCL scripts offer an extensive toolkit for developers to unlock the full potential of Fastly CDN.

Optimizing Cache Invalidation and Purging

Efficient cache invalidation and purging are critical for maintaining both the freshness of your content and the performance of your website. In this section, we will discuss best practices for managing cache invalidation and purging when using Fastly CDN. Our goal is to help you understand how to minimize the impact of these operations on your site's performance while ensuring that your users receive the most up-to-date content.

Understanding Cache Invalidation vs. Cache Purging

Cache Invalidation: This refers to marking a cached item as outdated or no longer valid. Once invalidated, the CDN will fetch the newest version from the origin server the next time the item is requested.

Cache Purging: This involves actively removing an item from the cache. Once purged, any subsequent request for that item will require a fetch operation from the origin server for the latest content.

Best Practices for Cache Invalidation and Purging

To efficiently manage cache invalidation and purging, follow these best practices:

  1. Utilize Surrogate Keys: Surrogate keys allow you to group related objects under a single key and purge them together. This can be particularly useful for managing content that shares common properties (e.g., a category of articles).


    Surrogate-Key: blog-post user-comments

    Purge request:

    curl -X POST "https://api.fastly.com/service/{SERVICE_ID}/purge/blog-post" \
    -H "Fastly-Key: {API_KEY}"
  2. Use Soft Purges: A soft purge marks content as stale while allowing it to still be served until the new content is fetched from the origin. This reduces cache misses and improves performance.


    curl -X POST "https://api.fastly.com/service/{SERVICE_ID}/purge/{URL}" \
    -H "Fastly-Key: {API_KEY}" \
    -H "Fastly-Soft-Purge: 1"
  3. Implement Gradual Cache Invalidation: Gradually deprecate content by adjusting TTLs (time-to-live) before actual purging is necessary. This can help in managing spikes in origin server traffic.

    Example VCL snippet for gradual invalidation:

    sub vcl_deliver {
        if (req.http.Fastly-Request-Id) {
            set resp.http.Cache-Control = "max-age=60";
  4. Batch Purge Requests: If you need to purge a large set of objects, batch your requests to avoid overwhelming the CDN and the origin server.


    curl -X POST "https://api.fastly.com/service/{SERVICE_ID}/purge" \
    -H "Fastly-Key: {API_KEY}" \
    -d '[ "url-1", "url-2", "url-3" ]'

Minimizing Performance Impact

To minimize the performance impact of cache invalidation and purging:

  1. Set Appropriate TTLs: Configure time-to-live settings that balance freshness and performance. Short TTL values ensure frequent updates but may increase origin load, while longer TTLs reduce origin load but may serve stale content.

  2. Coordinate Purging Operations: Schedule purges during off-peak hours or distribute them throughout the day to avoid sudden spikes in origin traffic.

  3. Monitor Cache Invalidation: Regularly monitor purge operations and cache hit ratios using Fastly's real-time analytics. This can provide insights into the effectiveness of your caching strategy and highlight areas for improvement.

    Example Real-time Analytics Query:

    curl -X GET "https://api.fastly.com/stats/service/{SERVICE_ID}?from=1d&to=now" \
    -H "Fastly-Key: {API_KEY}"


Efficient cache invalidation and purging are essential for maintaining optimal website performance and ensuring the delivery of fresh content. By leveraging surrogate keys, employing soft purges, implementing gradual cache invalidation, and following the above best practices, you can minimize the impact on performance and provide a seamless user experience.

In the next section, we will delve into securing cached content to ensure that sensitive information is not inadvertently exposed or cached, further enhancing your site's performance and security.

Securing Cached Content

Securing cached content is paramount to safeguarding sensitive information and ensuring the integrity and privacy of your data. In this section, we will delve into tactics for ensuring that sensitive information is not inadvertently cached and exposed. We will cover setting appropriate cache control headers, using TLS/SSL for secure content delivery, and configuring Fastly’s features to protect cached data.

Setting Appropriate Cache Control Headers

One of the most effective ways to control what content is cached and for how long is by using HTTP cache control headers. These headers instruct Fastly on how to handle your content and ensure sensitive data isn’t cached improperly. Here are the key cache control headers you should be aware of:

  1. Cache-Control: This header allows you to define the caching behavior. Use directives like no-cache, no-store, and private to ensure sensitive content isn’t cached.

    • no-cache: Forces caches to submit the request to the origin server for validation before releasing a cached copy.
    • no-store: Directs caches not to store any part of the request or response.
    • private: Indicates that the response is specific to an individual user and should not be stored by shared caches.
    Cache-Control: no-store
  2. Pragma: An older HTTP/1.0 header, but still useful for backwards compatibility. The Pragma: no-cache header acts like Cache-Control: no-cache.

    Pragma: no-cache
  3. Expires: This header defines an exact date/time after which the response is considered stale. While it’s mostly superseded by more configurable headers like Cache-Control, it can still be useful in some scenarios.

    Expires: Thu, 01 Dec 1994 16:00:00 GMT

Using TLS/SSL for Secure Content Delivery

To ensure all data transmitted between your users and your CDN is encrypted, you should use TLS/SSL. Fastly provides robust support for HTTPS, which encrypts data in transit and helps prevent man-in-the-middle attacks. Here’s how to ensure your content is securely delivered:

  1. Enforce HTTPS: Make sure all traffic uses HTTPS instead of HTTP. This can be done by setting up an automatic redirect from HTTP to HTTPS on Fastly.

    if (req.http.X-Forwarded-Proto != "https") {
        set req.http.X-Forwarded-Proto = "https";
        return(synth(301, "https://" + req.http.host + req.url));
  2. TLS Certificates: Ensure that your TLS certificates are properly configured. Fastly supports the use of Let’s Encrypt certificates, as well as custom certificates, to help maintain secure connections.

Configuring Fastly’s Features to Protect Cached Data

Fastly offers several features that help protect sensitive data from being cached improperly. Here’s how to configure some of these critical features:

  1. Shielding: Fastly’s shielding feature protects your origin servers by consolidating cache misses from multiple data centers into a single request to your origin. This reduces the number of requests to your origin and helps maintain security.

    # Enable shielding
    set req.backend = shield_backend;
  2. Surrogate-Control Headers: Along with standard cache control headers, you can use Fastly-specific Surrogate-Control headers to provide directives to edge servers.

    Surrogate-Control: no-store
  3. Geo-Blocking: Prevent access to your content from specific geographic locations if needed. This can help ensure that content is not delivered to regions where it should be restricted.

    if (client.geo.country_code == "CN") {
        return(synth(403, "Forbidden"));
  4. Access Control Lists (ACLs): Define IP-based ACLs in Fastly to restrict access to certain content, which can be useful for internal or sensitive data.

    if (!client.ip ~ allowed_ips) {
        return(synth(403, "Forbidden"));


Securing cached content involves a combination of proper header configurations, using secure connections, and leveraging Fastly's advanced features. By setting appropriate cache control headers, enabling TLS/SSL for all traffic, and configuring Fastly to handle sensitive data cautiously, you can effectively protect your content while maintaining optimal performance. Always stay vigilant and regularly review your caching and security settings to ensure your data remains secure.

Monitoring and Analyzing Cache Performance

To ensure your caching strategies with Fastly CDN are working optimally, it's crucial to continuously monitor and analyze cache performance. Leveraging Fastly's built-in tools, real-time analytics, and third-party integrations, you can gain valuable insights into your CDN performance. This section will walk you through the tools and techniques available for effective cache performance monitoring within Fastly.

Fastly's Real-Time Analytics

Fastly offers powerful real-time analytics designed to give you immediate feedback on your content delivery performance. These analytics help you understand key metrics such as cache hit ratios, request rates, and error rates. Utilizing these insights allows you to make informed decisions quickly.

Key metrics provided by Fastly’s real-time analytics include:

  • Cache Hit Ratio: The percentage of requests served from cache as opposed to fetching from the origin.
  • Request Rates: The number of requests per second handled by Fastly.
  • Bandwidth Usage: The amount of data transferred via Fastly.
  • Error Rates: The percentage of requests resulting in errors.

To access these real-time analytics, navigate to the Fastly Dashboard and select your service. Under the "Real-time" tab, you’ll find graphs and tables depicting these essential metrics.

Log Streaming

Fastly allows you to stream logs in real-time to various endpoints, making it easier to analyze and store your logs with your preferred tools. Log streaming can be configured to send data to destinations such as Datadog, Splunk, S3, and others.

Here's an example of configuring log streaming to an S3 bucket:

# Configure an S3 log endpoint
s3 "s3_endpoint" {
  bucket_name = "my-fastly-logs"
  access_key = "AKIA*************"
  secret_key = "********************"
  path = "logs/"

To set up log streaming, follow these steps in the Fastly Dashboard:

  1. Go to the “Logs” tab under your service.
  2. Click “Add a log endpoint” and choose the destination.
  3. Configure the necessary fields and save your settings.

Using Third-Party Tools

Integrating third-party tools can enhance your ability to monitor and analyze Fastly's cache performance:

  • Datadog: For in-depth monitoring and alerting on performance metrics.
  • Splunk: To aggregate and visualize log data.
  • New Relic: For application performance management and monitoring infrastructure.

Each of these tools can be configured to ingest real-time data from Fastly, helping you correlate cache performance with other parts of your application stack.

Setting Up Alerts

To promptly address any performance issues, setting up alerts based on key performance indicators (KPIs) is essential:

  "type": "sum",
  "percent_over": 95,
  "threshold": 100,
  "controller": "alerts",
  "name": "High Cache Error Rate",
  "email": "admin@example.com"

Alerts can be configured to notify you via email, SMS, or integrations with monitoring platforms when thresholds for specific metrics are exceeded.

Examining Cache Logs

Fastly provides detailed logs that can be instrumental in troubleshooting cache performance issues. Analyze cache logs to identify patterns, such as frequent cache misses or unexpected errors. Example log fields include:

  • timestamp
  • client_ip
  • request_method
  • request_url
  • cache_status (HIT, MISS, etc.)

Key Recommendations

  • Regular Monitoring: Continuously monitor real-time analytics to catch and address issues proactively.
  • Debugging with Logs: Use log streaming and detailed log examination to debug unexpected cache behaviors.
  • Alerting on KPIs: Set up alerts to get notified of significant changes in cache performance metrics.

By comprehensively monitoring and analyzing your Fastly CDN performance, you can gain insights that drive continuous improvements, ensuring your content delivery remains fast and reliable. Armed with these tools, you can keep your caching strategies finely tuned and highly efficient.

## Testing Your CDN Configuration with LoadForge

In this section, we will explore how to leverage LoadForge for performing load testing on your Fastly CDN configuration. Proper load testing is crucial to ensuring that your CDN setup can handle real-world traffic scenarios effectively. By following this guide, you will understand how to set up and execute load tests, interpret the results, and use the insights to further optimize your CDN performance.

### Setting Up LoadForge for Fastly CDN

First, you need to have an account with LoadForge. If you haven't registered yet, head over to [LoadForge](https://loadforge.com) and sign up.

#### Step-by-step Guide to Create a Load Test

1. **Create a New Test Plan**:
    - Navigate to the LoadForge dashboard and click on 'Create New Test'.
    - Enter a name for your test plan, such as "Fastly CDN Load Test".

2. **Configure the Test Parameters**:
    - **Target URL**: Enter the URL that is being served through Fastly CDN. For example: `https://www.yourwebsite.com`.
    - **Request Type**: Choose the HTTP method (GET, POST, PUT, etc.) relevant to your test scenario.
    - **Concurrent Users**: Define the number of simultaneous users you want to simulate. Start with smaller batches and gradually increase.
    - **Ramp-up Time**: Set the period over which the concurrent users will gradually increase. This helps in analyzing how your CDN handles sudden surges in traffic.

3. **Advanced Settings** (Optional):
    - You can specify custom headers, query parameters, and request bodies if necessary.
    - If your application requires authentication, include the relevant tokens or cookies to ensure accurate testing.

4. **Save and Deploy**:
    - Review your settings and click 'Save'.
    - Deploy the test to initiate load testing.

### Executing the Load Test

Once your load test is set up, execute the test by clicking 'Start Test'. LoadForge will begin simulating the defined traffic to your Fastly CDN-enabled website. 

During this test phase, it is crucial to monitor the performance metrics closely:

- **Response Time**: Observe how the response time changes with an increasing number of concurrent users.
- **Throughput**: Measure the number of requests successfully handled by your CDN per second.
- **Error Rate**: Keep track of any error responses to identify if your CDN configuration is causing issues.
### Interpreting Load Test Results

After the test concludes, LoadForge provides a detailed report with various performance metrics:

- **Response Time Analysis**: Look at the average, minimum, and maximum response times. Anomalies or spikes could indicate caching inefficiencies or misconfigurations.
- **Error Distribution**: Analyze any 4xx or 5xx status codes to understand if the errors are due to cache misses, origin server issues, or other factors.
- **Throughput Trends**: Ensure that your CDN can maintain a steady throughput without degradation under load.

### Using Insights for CDN Optimization

Based on the results, you can take several actions to optimize your Fastly CDN configuration:

- **Adjust Cache Settings**: If your load test reveals high response times or frequent cache misses, reconsider your cache TTL and cache key configurations.
- **Optimize Cache Keys**: Fine-tune your cache keys to ensure that similar requests are effectively cached without unnecessary duplication.
- **Refine VCL Scripts**: Use the insights to modify or create custom VCL scripts for handling advanced caching requirements.
- **Implement Soft Purges**: If your application demands frequent content updates, using soft purges can help minimize the impact on cached content availability.

### Continuous Monitoring and Iterative Testing

Remember that load testing is not a one-time activity. Regularly perform load tests, especially after making significant changes to your CDN configuration. Continuous monitoring and iterative testing ensure that your Fastly CDN setup remains optimized as your website traffic grows.

In the next section, we will summarize the best practices for caching strategy with Fastly CDN and highlight key takeaways to maintain a balance between performance and control.

## Conclusion and Best Practices

In conclusion, implementing and optimizing caching strategies with Fastly CDN can significantly enhance your website's performance by reducing latency, improving load times, and efficiently managing content delivery. Let's summarize the critical points discussed in this guide and outline best practices for leveraging Fastly CDN to its fullest potential.

### Summary of Key Points

1. **Introduction to Fastly CDN**: Fastly CDN is a cutting-edge content delivery network designed to enhance website performance through speedy content delivery. Its unique architecture offers several benefits, including superior performance, advanced security features, and real-time analytics.

2. **Understanding Caching Mechanisms**: Fastly’s caching architecture includes multiple layers that enable efficient content storage and retrieval. Understanding cache hits vs. misses and effectively utilizing caching layers are fundamental to leveraging Fastly’s capabilities.

3. **Configuring Edge Caching with Fastly**: Properly configuring edge caching with Fastly involves setting up cache rules, adjusting TTL settings, and optimizing cache keys. Doing so ensures that content is efficiently delivered to end-users directly from edge servers.

4. **Using Surrogate Keys for Granular Cache Control**: Surrogate keys facilitate precise control over cached content, allowing for efficient purging and selective cache invalidation. They help manage complex caching scenarios by providing granular control.

5. **Implementing Custom VCL for Advanced Caching**: For advanced caching requirements, writing and deploying custom Varnish Configuration Language (VCL) scripts provide enhanced control over caching logic beyond default settings. This feature caters to developers needing fine-tuned control.

6. **Optimizing Cache Invalidation and Purging**: Efficient cache invalidation and purging minimize performance impacts. Strategies such as soft purges and gradual invalidation help maintain performance while ensuring content freshness.

7. **Securing Cached Content**: It's crucial to ensure that sensitive data is not inadvertently cached. This involves setting proper cache control headers, utilizing TLS/SSL for secure content delivery, and leveraging Fastly's security features.

8. **Monitoring and Analyzing Cache Performance**: Monitoring tools like Fastly’s real-time analytics and log streaming are essential for analyzing cache performance. Regular analysis helps in making informed decisions for optimizing caching strategies.

9. **Testing Your CDN Configuration with LoadForge**: Load testing with LoadForge is vital for validating your Fastly CDN configuration. It helps identify performance bottlenecks and provides insights for further optimization.

### Best Practices

To ensure optimal performance and effective content delivery using Fastly CDN, consider the following best practices:

1. **Balance Performance and Control**: Strive to maintain an equilibrium between caching performance and granular control. Overly aggressive caching can lead to stale content, while overly conservative caching can degrade performance.

2. **Regularly Monitor and Analyze**:
    - Utilize Fastly's real-time analytics to track cache performance.
    - Regularly check log streams for anomalies and performance issues.
    - Use third-party tools for comprehensive performance monitoring.

3. **Iterative Improvements**:
    - Continuously assess and refine your caching rules based on performance data.
    - Experiment with TTL settings, cache keys, and surrogate keys to find optimal configurations.
    - Iterate on your custom VCL scripts for advanced caching needs.

4. **Effective Cache Invalidation**:
    - Use soft purges where possible to minimize performance impacts.
    - Implement gradual cache invalidation for large-scale content updates to avoid surges in origin server load.

5. **Ensure Secure Content Delivery**:
    - Set appropriate cache control headers to prevent sensitive information from being cached.
    - Employ TLS/SSL to encrypt content delivery and enhance security.
    - Utilize Fastly’s security features to protect stored data.

6. **Load Testing with LoadForge**:
    - Regularly perform load tests on your Fastly CDN configuration using LoadForge.
    - Analyze test results to identify and resolve performance bottlenecks.
    - Use insights from load testing to make informed improvements to your CDN setup.

By adhering to these best practices and regularly reviewing your caching strategies, you can ensure that your website remains fast, reliable, and secure. Fastly CDN, combined with a thoughtful approach to caching, provides a robust solution for optimizing website performance.

Ready to run your test?
Run your test today with LoadForge.